Sunday 20 March 2016


Hi there!
Glassious serves all about decorated glass whether it is wine glass, bottle glass, jar, or anything made of glass! Decorated glass can fit well as a house decoration and it will make your house looks more wonderful. We provides the design of the decoration for you to order. You can also request the design from your own idea and we will make it as your order.

How to Order:
You can mention the item’s code which you want to order via WhatsApp or BBM including your email address and we will contact you later for the confirmation and fees’ information.

For more information you can contact us via:
WhatsApp         : +6281225730791
BBM                 : 5C37D62A
Instagram          :
Email                :
Line                  : @glassious_glass

Facebook          : Glassious Glass

Posted by Glassious

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